我不知道这个世界怎么了(hold住姐 谢依霖)
Big-old ,Big-old !(大佬大佬)
为啥老是我 how old am i 熊猫人
放你妈个屁This is malarkey
The World
The World
The World
Fighting Gold
我 IM Golden Spark!
这狗逼崽子觉得自己是哪根葱啊Who the hell does that duckweed think he is?
你该吃药了(you should take medicine)
我Hold不住了 男的迟到进教室倒着走假装逃跑被叫回座位
赶紧的啊!我HOLD不住了,啊啊啊!!! - 恶搞杜甫与弃疾
那座…在那才能買得到呢?Where is it sold ?
鲁是术对脑?(lu shi shu dui nao?)
S.B.child 你这孩子真有趣
S.B.Child 你这孩子真有趣
恕在下直言,在座的都是弱鸡(I would say all of you here is a bitch)- 熊猫人肌肉男
这狗逼崽子觉得自己是哪根葱啊Who the hell does that duckweed think he
柴犬在摇椅上的悠闲狗生动图 - shibaholmes 柴犬在摇椅上的悠闲狗生动图表情包
hello ?What kind of group are you ?It's harmful to you .It's really too much for you bother you .What are you doing with this group ?My son's grades in every subject are just that average He's in his second year of junior middle school .What do you want my son to do ?He's not in high school yet .What kind of group are you ?Ha haha ha ha ,you killed my son Who's the group leader ?Come out quickly .I'll call the police if I don't come anymore .Let me tell you about your group All day long ,these games ,animation ,will kill you !You have no future .I tell you that these four or more of you can't study well .Ma Xing measures
不打算挽留吗rou should be happy你要失去我了我这一走可是一辈子
我要是说:不呢?(what would you do ? if i say no)
我也是醉了(wo ye shi zui le)
别敬屎不吃!吃罚屎!(duo duo chi shi)
当初真应该把你射墙上(should i fuck your mother without you?)
真是造孽(really is build touble)
Relax ,Nothing is in Control .
怎么肥四小老弟.What's the matter my small old bro
真是造孽(really is build trouble)
you are the cutest thing I love you so much and I would die for you and keep you safe and feed you and give you lots of kisses and tuck you into bed and make you breakfast and I'd make sure you were always happy and make you smile and laugh and I would die for you. - 最近身边谁生日?拿去要礼物 or 调戏下
头上一坨屎躲草丛里:装逼的根本就是与自然合一 shut up,I will shit on head