我真的好喜欢你(cao ni mage bi)
老子今晚操你妈(lao zi jin wan cao ni ma)
卧槽尼玛吓死爹了(wo cao ni ma he si die le)
非洲人民发来贺电 caonimabi
跪下喊爸爸(qu ni made)
academic !academic (熊猫头学术表情包)
Nice 兄dei
这东西 made in Chine!
指着下面:我怀疑你这里有问题 wo cao ni ma bi
academic !academic (学术大佬 熊猫头表情包)
NorthAmericapacificeanaOceanwsdm温柔是你的美(假笑男孩 Gavin)
don't care - Jennie表情包
ni ma le ge bi
就凭你,你去狗带吧!(Made in China)
遇见你们这帮傻逼,我会装作在看风景(cao ni ma de) - 听说你老婆怀孕了(xi dang die),是我干的哇哈哈(good hentai) 熊猫金馆长中英文对照
孩子,你需要治疗(kid, you need care)
你装逼之前问过我手中的Death machine了么?(死亡机器)
Hello ,professors speaking ?I cannot finish them am standing on the top of Learing Commons The wind is strong and am so scared - 论文表情包系列
we are not make to be perfect 100% of the time but we are made to to the best we can 100% of the time. - 小女生都应该要有这样的生活心态
ZT 1 IMA 你必须接受生命里注定残缺和难以如愿的部分比如你的智障金cAdet
你莫逼老子打你(ni ge shadiao)
nobody cares - Nobody cares 九连
Nobody cares - Nobody cares 九连
NOBODY CARES - Nobody cares 九连
早安公主Good morning, Princes
Nobody cares
nike 绿帽子
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eating made me feel better
Chat :can't Email :cannot .Essay :I am unable to can .Term paper of 3000 words :I do not find myself in the circumstances for it to be possible that could potentially be able to have the capacity to do that .Thesis The author does not find the circumstances thus described to be advantageous enough to allow the author to have the potential to act ,in their own capacity ,upon the course event thus previously described Therefore ,the author is of the unfortunate conclusion that they are unable to can . - 论文表情包系列
who care nobody cares
深深思考 Deeply consider