你老公今晚在家吗?(is your husband in home?)

你老公今晚在家吗?(is your husband in home?) 下载原图


what's on your mind? you.(朋友圈背景图)

what's on your mind? you.(朋友圈背景图)

yes, I'm a bitch, but not yours(是,我是婊子,但不是你的)

yes, I'm a bitch, but not yours(是,我是婊子,但不是你的)

hello ?What kind of group are you ?It's harmful to you .It's really too much for you bother you .What are you doing with this group ?My son's grades in every subject are just that average He's in his second year of junior middle school .What do you want my son to do ?He's not in high school yet .What kind of group are you ?Ha haha ha ha ,you killed my son Who's the group leader ?Come out quickly .I'll call the police if I don't come anymore .Let me tell you about your group All day long ,these games ,animation ,will kill you !You have no future .I tell you that these four or more of you can't study well .Ma Xing measures

hello ?What kind of group are you ?It's harmful to you .It's really too much for you bother you .What are you doing with this group ?My son's grades in every subject are just that average He's in his second year of junior middle school .What do you want my son to do ?He's not in high school yet .What kind of group are you ?Ha haha ha ha ,you killed my son Who's the group leader ?Come out quickly .I'll call the police if I don't come anymore .Let me tell you about your group All day long ,these games ,animation ,will kill you !You have no future .I tell you that these four or more of you can't study well .Ma Xing measures

don' t you have any b number in your heart

don' t you have any b number in your heart

you are the cutest thing I love you so much and I would die for you and keep you safe and feed you and give you lots of kisses and tuck you into bed and make you breakfast and I'd make sure you were always happy and make you smile and laugh and I would die for you. - 最近身边谁生日?拿去要礼物 or 调戏下

you are the cutest thing I love you so much and I would die for you and keep you safe and feed you and give you lots of kisses and tuck you into bed and make you breakfast and I'd make sure you were always happy and make you smile and laugh and I would die for you. - 最近身边谁生日?拿去要礼物 or 调戏下

Put your hands up .

Put your hands up .

what is your problem? ?

what is your problem? ?

don ' t you have a little b number in your heart

don ' t you have a little b number in your heart

i eat your home rice a ? - I fat i happy. You bb what ?! ​

i eat your home rice a ? - I fat i happy. You bb what ?! ​

Good your English is so good

Good your English is so good

put your hands up(印尼小胖 TATAN)

put your hands up(印尼小胖 TATAN)

Excuse me? - what can i do for you(装逼)

Excuse me? - what can i do for you(装逼)

你我之间必有一战(you and me must si bi)

你我之间必有一战(you and me must si bi)

BroYou have no time

BroYou have no time

in english, you are stupid!

in english, you are stupid!

当初真应该把你射墙上(should i fuck your mother without you?)

当初真应该把你射墙上(should i fuck your mother without you?)

Oh ,my immature son ,do you want to hit your father ?(熊猫头斗图表情包)

Oh ,my immature son ,do you want to hit your father ?(熊猫头斗图表情包)

这尼马是何等卧槽(This your mum is how fuck you)

这尼马是何等卧槽(This your mum is how fuck you)

sorry LZ is the patients in our hospital ,let everyone laush

sorry LZ is the patients in our hospital ,let everyone laush

Were sorry the number you have reached is not in service at this time, please ch

Were sorry the number you have reached is not in service at this time, please ch

笑你妹(laugh your sister)

笑你妹(laugh your sister)

Were sorry, the numberyou have reached isis not in service at this timelease check the numberor try your call - 一波英文表情包

Were sorry, the numberyou have reached isis not in service at this timelease check the numberor try your call - 一波英文表情包

盟女人你在和一个智慧比你高的多的人较劲Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken(《生活大爆炸》谢耳朵)

盟女人你在和一个智慧比你高的多的人较劲Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken(《生活大爆炸》谢耳朵)

thinks you

thinks you

Chat :can't Email :cannot .Essay :I am unable to can .Term paper of 3000 words :I do not find myself in the circumstances for it to be possible that could potentially be able to have the capacity to do that .Thesis The author does not find the circumstances thus described to be advantageous enough to allow the author to have the potential to act ,in their own capacity ,upon the course event thus previously described Therefore ,the author is of the unfortunate conclusion that they are unable to can . - 论文表情包系列

Chat :can't Email :cannot .Essay :I am unable to can .Term paper of 3000 words :I do not find myself in the circumstances for it to be possible that could potentially be able to have the capacity to do that .Thesis The author does not find the circumstances thus described to be advantageous enough to allow the author to have the potential to act ,in their own capacity ,upon the course event thus previously described Therefore ,the author is of the unfortunate conclusion that they are unable to can . - 论文表情包系列

你妹(your sister)

你妹(your sister)

I eat your home rice la ? - I fat i happy. You bb what ?! ​​

I eat your home rice la ? - I fat i happy. You bb what ?! ​​

怦然心动: make my heart peng pengpeng.请帮我拍张照片: plese give me ka ka ka叩头: let your head duangduang duang onthe ground温泉: gulugulu water龙舟赛: Longzhou pk士可杀不可辱: you can kill me but cantfuck me金碧辉煌的宫殿: a big house bling bling不孕不育: make love everyday but nobab相交点: banana point日为师终身为父: one day is yourteacher, day day is your father.泰山雄伟壮观: mountain tai is wa oh!(四六级考试神翻译)

怦然心动: make my heart peng pengpeng.请帮我拍张照片: plese give me ka ka ka叩头: let your head duangduang duang onthe ground温泉: gulugulu water龙舟赛: Longzhou pk士可杀不可辱: you can kill me but cantfuck me金碧辉煌的宫殿: a big house bling bling不孕不育: make love everyday but nobab相交点: banana point日为师终身为父: one day is yourteacher, day day is your father.泰山雄伟壮观: mountain tai is wa oh!(四六级考试神翻译)

why so serious

why so serious

你说完了没要不要给你来支话筒Are you through interrupting or shall I hand you a microphone?

你说完了没要不要给你来支话筒Are you through interrupting or shall I hand you a microphone?



别让我抓着你你看我打不打你就完事了Do not let me get you You just look me hitno hit you

别让我抓着你你看我打不打你就完事了Do not let me get you You just look me hitno hit you

you will not get hurt

you will not get hurt

懂你妹(know your sister)

懂你妹(know your sister)

Your sister你妹

Your sister你妹

没有人在意你的年终音乐总结Nobody Cares About Your e-commere

没有人在意你的年终音乐总结Nobody Cares About Your e-commere