熊猫人抬手说不要开黄枪(开车预警).Don't open yellow gun
eye open mouse open 目瞪口呆
Love your mather who who(爱你妈谁谁) - 英文版日常表情包
Open your eyes!(睁开你的眼睛)
You see your horse (你看你嘛) - 英文版日常表情包
噢天啊,好污(omg so yellow)
open your eyes
open your eyes
ReallyYou can operate this way - 流行语表情包的英文版
Front End engineers having to nowlearn VR Development
the othersyou戏people who love acting - 流行语表情包的英文版
So how ' s your day going ? It was great until 1 0 am What happened at 1 0 am ? I woke up
hello ?What kind of group are you ?It's harmful to you .It's really too much for you bother you .What are you doing with this group ?My son's grades in every subject are just that average He's in his second year of junior middle school .What do you want my son to do ?He's not in high school yet .What kind of group are you ?Ha haha ha ha ,you killed my son Who's the group leader ?Come out quickly .I'll call the police if I don't come anymore .Let me tell you about your group All day long ,these games ,animation ,will kill you !You have no future .I tell you that these four or more of you can't study well .Ma Xing measures
we dont talk anymore
无法直视(NO low to see)
Onre learned the btoken pot is broken and fallen旦学会了破罐子破摔,Youll tind out your world figured out I你会发现世界豁然开朗!
doesn't your conscience ache? - 流行语表情包的英文版
Chat :can't Email :cannot .Essay :I am unable to can .Term paper of 3000 words :I do not find myself in the circumstances for it to be possible that could potentially be able to have the capacity to do that .Thesis The author does not find the circumstances thus described to be advantageous enough to allow the author to have the potential to act ,in their own capacity ,upon the course event thus previously described Therefore ,the author is of the unfortunate conclusion that they are unable to can . - 论文表情包系列
pnopeneur tourneCAT - 喵星人
wow, go round, such doge, rotation, such spinny, sbin spin wow - 还是我们可爱的 doge
快开窗有人马上要释放婊气了Open a window. it's about to get smug in here.
stop here, I will take an orange for you.(橘子)
污鸡Yellow ji - 纯文字表情包,污污污
Don't move I go to buy oranges for you
够了你们这群水笔!(enough you group of water pen)
够了你们这群水笔(enough you group of water pen)
me drowning in your love(我沉醉在你的爱中)
当你身影消逝在人海头才发现笑着哭最痛When your shadow disappeared at the end of the crowd only found that crying with laughter the most painful - 抖音热图手机壁纸
ac活像个孤独患者自我拉扯s like a lonely patient.
我没钱了 I don't feel so good(双11的我)
you will not get hurt
Buddy! my heart is broken! - 流行语表情包的英文版
what happened when was not here ?
人生很长有趣的人懂你的人一定会出现Life is long and interesting .People who know you will appear - 文字图片背景图 - 朋友圈配图
you will never understand understand understand understand understand understand the concept of the concept of LOVE - 搞笑sad frog 系列表情