你想到外面去单挑吗?(You want to step outside) - 天线宝宝说英文
放聪明点好吗?(Hey, wise up) - 天线宝宝说英文
你是用这张嘴吃饭的吗?(You eat with that mouth) - 天线宝宝说英文
don't push me around不要摆布我 - 经典天线宝宝回忆杀啊
How dare you .
你坏坏You are so bad(武林外传燕小六表情包)
How dare you !(你怎么敢啊)
you are so good
you are the cutest thing I love you so much and I would die for you and keep you safe and feed you and give you lots of kisses and tuck you into bed and make you breakfast and I'd make sure you were always happy and make you smile and laugh and I would die for you. - 最近身边谁生日?拿去要礼物 or 调戏下
要么你就去做,不然就给我闭嘴(Put up or shut up) - 天线宝宝说英文
are you ready for the cet 6? yas i are
好大的口气 I dare you
you are so bad girl(吴亦凡表情包)
you are the center of my world
you see see you one day day 的
你放屁(you break wind)
you see see you one dayday
天线宝宝碰瓷 - 碰瓷 (天线宝宝)
you say your mother的 one day day的(海绵宝宝&派大星) - 海绵宝宝&派大星表情包
听说你没女票? - 天线宝宝「听说你」系列
Are you 沙雕(你是沙雕吗)
you see see you one day one day 的(你看看你一天天的)
孩子,你需要治疗(kid, you need care)
Are you沙雕?
天线宝宝 bye bitch - 天线宝宝动态表情包
you see see you one day day 的(你看看你一天天的 狗子)
你好吊哇(you are a good J8)
放开老子的奶(yu)昔(塘) - 僵尸版天线宝宝
you and me
hello ?What kind of group are you ?It's harmful to you .It's really too much for you bother you .What are you doing with this group ?My son's grades in every subject are just that average He's in his second year of junior middle school .What do you want my son to do ?He's not in high school yet .What kind of group are you ?Ha haha ha ha ,you killed my son Who's the group leader ?Come out quickly .I'll call the police if I don't come anymore .Let me tell you about your group All day long ,these games ,animation ,will kill you !You have no future .I tell you that these four or more of you can't study well .Ma Xing measures
are 脆青梅you 溜梅?你没事吧